On Friday night, the 7th February 2025, Auchenblae Youth Club had the pleasure of hosting an evening dedicated to Auchenblae’s rich heritage. We had two wonderful guests: Dans Rous aka Community Dan from Ceangail and local historian, Jenny Thomson.
Jenny showed our young members her fascinating collecion of old photographs. Our members (over 20 of them were attending the presentation) were delighted to learn about their village’s past. They especially loved comparing old Auchenblae with present day Auchenblae. They tested their local knowledge by guessing when the landmarks had been built and how old the photgraphs were. Thank you to Jenny for taking the time to share her extensive knowledge of local history with the younger generation. It is genuinely appreciated by all of us at Auchenblae Youth Club.
Dan spoke of a great opportunity for young people to showcase Auchenblae’s landmarks on a website called https://my.scot/
The plaform has been created by young people for young people to showcase the best that Scotland has to offer. Dan ran a digital content creation community day on the Saturday where 12 young people were given an opportunity to take pictures and make videos of Auchenblae’s landmarks. The project is still ongoing. Thank you Dan for sharing your knowledge with our members, giving them the tools to make a positive difference in the community.
Youth club worker
We are excited to share an upcoming opportunity for young people to get involved in an engaging and creative community digital project as part of the Auchenblae Youth Club.
On Friday, 7th February, during our regular Youth Club session, we will host a fascinating talk on Auchenblae’s history and landmarks by local historian Jenny Thomson from 7.15-7.45pm. This is open to all members who wish to listen and learn more about the rich heritage of our local community.
The following day, on Saturday, 8th February, from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm, we will be running a special programme based at the church hall that focuses on local landmarks and buildings.
This exciting opportunity is part of a collaboration with Ceangail CIC, a Tourism and Events Social Enterprise, on the My Scotland project, a youth-focused tourism website created by young people, for young people.
If this project interests you, please sign up on KMYC.classforkids.io
Join Auchenblae Youth Club Online tonight at 7pm
Due to the adverse weather and challenging road and pavement conditions, we will be holding tonight’s Youth Club session online to ensure everyone’s safety and convenience.
We warmly invite our young members to join us for an engaging online session: Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/kvm-mqdr-qro
There will be: Exciting activities and a fun quiz Positive updates and news Planning our term trip to Dundee (options include tenpin bowling or escape rooms!)
We are inviting young people from Stonehaven Youth Club SYC to join us. Young people are welcome to participate actively or simply observe—there’s no pressure to have their cameras or microphones on if they’d prefer not to.
We’re looking forward to reconnecting with everyone digitally and having a great time together despite the weather.
Thank you for your support, and we hope to see your young person online tonight! Best regards, If you have any concerns contact Ginette 07484115226 on or Clare on 0779187896278962
Find out more about the 2025 Tall Ships Youth Opportunities
Hollie is coming to Auchenblae Youth Club this Friday to tell young people about the amazing Tall Ships opportunity.
Come along and meet Hollie, she will share exciting details of the voyages, what life is like onboard a tall ship, and all the amazing experiences in store for them (sailing with dolphins, magnificent sunsets, stargazing on an open sea!) she will answer questions and also stay to help young people with their application forms, if interested.
AYC welcomes any local young person aged 15-25yrs interested in the opportunity to pop in and meet Hollie, if they would like to know more about this chance of a lifetime.
Messenger December 2024

Dear All
Many thanks for your contributions
We have published a first edition today on the Auchenblae Noticeboard on Facebook and our own section here on The Blae.
If any more contributions come in we will publish a second edition later in the month
Many thanks to Kevin for his publishing work and for all our regular contributors and thanks to Jenny for hand delivering hard copied kindly produced by Macphies.
Have a good Christmas and all the best for the New Year
Keith and Christine
Cinema Today
The Cinema will be up and running again from this Saturday and the last Saturday of every Month. We will be operating under a new licence system that means all screenings will now be FREE but we will no longer be able to advertise the forthcoming film to the general public. Please see the notice board in the Hall for details of upcoming films or join the film club to get details and notifications of upcoming films.

Gala Cinema Night
Auchenblae Community Fund Annual Report 2023
ACF Report 2023
Following length review process and a 1 year hiatus, we’re delighted to say that the fund reopened in 2023 and received 15 applications. The fund had accumulated to over £75,000 due historic underspend and the 2022 accrual. Applications were assessed in September for eligibility, presented to the panel in October with decisions made in November and funding paid out in December 2023.
The panel consisted of a total of 5 people – all 3 members of the community who applied and the ACF sub-committee from ADCA. The decision-making process was straightforward and unanimous and we propose to continue with this format (pending annual review) if agreed at the AGM.
All applicants received funding although not all projects were funded fully. Following discussion with applicants, those who received partial funding were happy with the decision-making process and outcome. Excitingly, as a result of these conversations, new opportunities for collaboration between community groups have been identified and we look forward to seeing the results of those discussions.
See table for funding awards. We look forward to seeing completed projects over the next few months with completion sign offs due in November 2024.
The coming funding allocation will be more interesting as the amount of money available is significantly less. The fund stands at an estimated £43,000 for 2024, we will be able to confirm this figure once the RPI for January 2024 is published. 2024 applications will open during gala week with a closing date of August 31st 2024.
The sub-committee intend to further revise the forms to make the fund more accessible to our community. In terms of advertising and improving communication with the community, we will promote the fund on theblae.org, the physical noticeboards around the village, via the Messenger and on our facebook page and Auchenblae Noticeboard.

AGM 6/2/2024 Auchenblae Village Hall 7.30pm
Our Community Association needs a Chair Person. We also need help with fundraising / events organising and managing hall bookings.
Could you commit to a 2hr meeting on the 1st tuesday of every month? Could you step up to chair our committee and help make sure we’re meeting our responsibilities as trustees and caretakers of our village hall?
Without your support, there will be no hall, no Auchenblae Pre-School Group, no Zumba, no Kickboxing, no community cafe, no windfarm fund, no gala, no quiz nights, no bingo to name a few….
It’s your hall and your community, come and show your support on Tuesday 6th.
Film for December the 2nd
This months film is Barbie the hugely successful highly acclaimed cultural phenomenon.
It’s a riotously entertaining candy-coloured feminist fable that manages simultaneously to celebrate, satirise and deconstruct its happy-plastic subject.
Come and see it in its full glory with our now upgraded surround sound and 4K projection system.

Up The Blae
The Great Auchenblae Paper Boat Race 2023

The Great Auchenblae Paper Boat Race is to be held on Sat May 27th 2023 during Auchenblae’s annual Gala Day . It is open to all entrants young and old, family teams etc and we hope it will add to the great family fun day that is Auchenblae Gala Day.
This year, the value of the prizes has risen to £200 in total and the entrance fee has dropped to £1.
The race will be run on the burn between the pavilion and the footbridge a course length of 90 metres. Races will be in heats of 5 boats with the winner going through to the next heat.
The number of entries is limited to 100. Please book in advance to ensure your place.
Boats are to be made of paper or card and can be a traditional folded paper boat or a sophisticated paper paddle steamer just as long as they meet the required build and size restriction outlined in the race rules.
Great Auchenblae Paper Boat Race rules
If you wish to enter please fill out the entrance form
Gala Band Night
Book your tickets here

Gala 2023
Cinema Club
Emergency Community Fund Applications

Auchenblae & District Community Association (ADCA) has received a request from the Parks Committee requesting that we consider an emergency application to the windfarm fund. A vital piece of equipment requires substantial repairs, without it the Golf Course cannot be maintained to an acceptable standard and without the income from the golf course, the Parks Committee will be forced to cease operations. Our community faces losing community amenities including our golf course, den, playgrounds, bowling green, tennis courts, pavilion, exercise equipment, football pitch and pump track.
ADCA still have a number of tasks to complete before we can re-open the normal Auchenblae Community Fund process to applications. We are making good progress with our review and with community support over the next few months, we intend to announce the re-opening the fund at the Auchenblae Gala 2023. We do not yet have a panel in place so cannot open the normal fund process quickly enough to help the Parks Committee now. Indeed, Auchenblae Community Fund Panel could not meet to consider one application without being grossly unfair to other eligible groups.
The panel was only set up to create arms-length decision making from ADCA so that ADCA could apply to the fund as well. The Mid Hill contract requires ADCA to consider all proposals submitted and to present all proposals to MHWL/Fred Olsen, specifying those we recommend for approval.
Please remember that the purpose of the fund is to benefit the residents of the area of Auchenblae – the best way to ensure that the benefit reaches our community as widely as possible is by supporting all our volunteer-led community groups, whilst respecting their autonomy and accepting that they know best what their group needs. The point is to say yes to as many projects as possible.
In the short time remaining until the fund re-opens, our committee has agreed to consider emergency applications from eligible groups who face closure in the short term (risking subsequent loss of community amenities). Please contact ADCA if your group wants to consider submitting an emergency application.
We have contacted MHWL/Fred Olsen to discuss our fund review progress and our interim plan and they are happy for us to proceed on this basis. We will directly contact known eligible groups to notify them of the situation.
In a process to be considered entirely separate from ‘Auchenblae Community Fund’, ADCA proposes to submit the Parks Committee emergency application to MHWL/Fred Olsen for approval. If you wish to comment or provide feedback on our proposal, please do so by 16/2/2023 via letter or email to auchenblaecommunityassociation@gmail.com
Yours Sincerely,
ADCA Committee
This years gala

It will be 4 years since the Gala Day was last held in the Den. But we hope that this year everything will be back to normal and we can have a fantastic fun filled day in the Den once more. The Auchenblae Community Association will be meeting on Jan 13th to finalise the arrangements for this year. We intend to have all the regular events and hopefully make this an extra special one. Also we will get to try out our new marquee that we bought at the start of covid due to a grant from the Tullo wind farm fund.
If you want to get involved or have any ideas you would like to be considered please contact the ACA at auchenblaecommunityassociation@gmail.com or leave a comment below.
Auchenblae Cinema to Reopen Doors

The Auchenblae cinema is to have its first film showing since 2020 on the last Saturday of Jan 2023
It is nearly 3 years since we had to shut our doors due to covid and it will be great to start showing films once again. The Cinema Group will be meeting at the start of the year to put together a program of films for the next 6 months. We also intend to run the children’s matinées once more. These will only be advertised in the hall as licencing requirements prevent us from advertising them outside the hall.
Last Saturday of the Month
Childerens Matinee – doors 2.30 film 3.00pm
Evening Film – doors 7.00pm film 7.30pm
The Great Auchenblae Paper Boat Race 2019
The Great Auchenblae Paper Boat Race is to be held on Sat May 25th 2019 during Auchenblae’s annual Gala Day following our fantastic inaugural race last year . It is open to all entrants young and old, family teams etc and we hope it will add to the great family fun day that is Auchenblae Gala Day.
The race will be run on the burn between the pavilion and the footbridge a course length of 90 metres. Races will be in heats of 5 boats with the winner going through to the next heat.
Boats are to be made of paper or card and can be a traditional folded paper boat or a sophisticated paper paddle steamer just as long as they meet the required build and size restriction outlined in the race rules.
Great Auchenblae Paper Boat Race rules
If you wish to enter please fill out the entrance form