AC Fund application form up to £1000 Funding applications up to £1000SECTION ASECTION BSECTION CSECTION DSECTION EYOUR ORGANISATIONBefore completing this form, please read our guidelines. Please fill in all the fields required in all the sections.GDPR: By completing this form, you consent to the sharing of your data contained herein with Auchenblae & District Community Association and Mid Hill Wind Ltd/Fred Olsen Renewables. Please tick to show your consent:Name of your organisation*Address of Your Organisation*Contact DetailsNameFirstLastPosition in Organisation*Address*Tel (Day)*Tel (Evening)*Email*Geographic Area covered by organisation*How many members are in your organisation?*How often does your organisation meet up?*How many Committee Members / Managers does your organisation have?*How many volunteers / Non Managers does your organisation have?*Others?*Are you a registered charity?*If yes, state your charity registration number*Are you a registered charity?*Is your group part of a larger organisation or purely local?*In this section, you should detail why your group was set up, what the aims and objectives are and who your group benefits.*NextYOUR PLANTitle of scheme for which you are seeking support*Does the plan have a specific location?*If Yes, where is it located*Why does your community need this application?*Which of the following criteria do you believe it meets?Helps to improve and sustain wildlife and the environmentHelps to unite the communityPromotes health and well beingBenefits disadvantaged and disabled peopleBenefits children and young peopleBenefits older peopleProvides improved access to countryside and/or local amenitiesRestores derelict land for community benefitPreserves local heritageImproves transport links for the communityImproves communication links for the community (newsletters etc.)Supports educational developmentCommunity building developmentVoluntary self help groupIs energy efficientHelps improve levels of tourismHelps improve available levels of recreationOther - please specifyWho will carry out the work – volunteers or a contractor?*Are you working in partnership on this application with any other groups? If so, please provide more details*How many people will benefit from your project and what percentage are resident in Auchenblae electoral ward?*Will the wider public benefit from your project?*How long do you expect the benefit of this project to last eg a one-off event or over how many weeks, months or years?How often will the project / benefit be utilised eg once, daily, weekly, monthly?Can your group complete the project within 12 months of receiving funding?*Give any further details of the plan and what you want it to achieveBackNextFUNDINGWhat is the total cost of the project including VAT? (this is the total cost of the project not the amount of funding that you are seeking from ACF, though the 2 maybe the same if you are seeking 100% )*Please provide a breakdown of the main cost elements (or attach itemised list)Attach itemised listTotal cost of items listed above*What amount of funding are you seeking from the Auchenblae Community Fund?*Is your organisation VAT registered*Do you already have funds towards the project? How much?*Would you be able to complete the project if you receive partial funding from ACF?*Are you already applying for external funding from elsewhere?*Will a grant from us assist in triggering match funding from elsewhere?*Will there be any long term funding requirements for this application in order to sustain it into the future?*If so, is this source of funding in place?*Has your organisation successfully received funding from the Auchenblae Community Fund previously? When, and how much did you receive?If a grant is awarded, are you able to accept payment via BACS? If so, please provide bank details.This area should be used for any other information deemed relevant to your application not already statedUpload any other relevant documentsBackNextDECLARATIONWe are authorised to submit this application on behalf of the organisation and certify thattheinformationenclosediscorrect.Bysigningthisapplicationform,weagree to abide by the terms and conditions included in the grant guidelines and any additional special conditions within the letter of award. We understand that we will be required to monitor expenditure and to provide the Auchenblae Community Fund with receipts and reports on the progress of the application as required. We give permission for the fund to record the information in this form electronically. We also give permission for the fund’s involvement in our application to be publicised.*Signature 1 - I agree to the above terms and conditions*DateSignature 2 - I agree to the above terms and conditions*DateBackNextCHECKLISTPlease ensure that you have included the following information as it applies to your application. Failure to do so may delay or jeopardise your application. Please use the tick boxes or leave blank if not appropriateAny files relevant to your application e.g. planning and landowner permissions, quotes, drawings, location plan, site photographs etc. 1 The completed application form signed by two peopleA copy of your constitution or set of rules for your organisation signed by each of the members of your management committee A set of accounts for your organisation signed by your treasurer, or for groups less than one year old - a recent bank statement and annual budgetIf your organisation relates to children or vulnerable people, copies of your Child Protection Policy and Vulnerable Persons PolicyBackSendThis field should be left blank