We are excited to share an upcoming opportunity for young people to get involved in an engaging and creative community digital project as part of the Auchenblae Youth Club.
On Friday, 7th February, during our regular Youth Club session, we will host a fascinating talk on Auchenblae’s history and landmarks by local historian Jenny Thomson from 7.15-7.45pm. This is open to all members who wish to listen and learn more about the rich heritage of our local community.
The following day, on Saturday, 8th February, from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm, we will be running a special programme based at the church hall that focuses on local landmarks and buildings.
This exciting opportunity is part of a collaboration with Ceangail CIC, a Tourism and Events Social Enterprise, on the My Scotland project, a youth-focused tourism website created by young people, for young people.
If this project interests you, please sign up on KMYC.classforkids.io